Calling all people pleasers, perfectionists, and self-sacrificers:




5 First Steps To Becoming Functionally Self-ISH

It’s Time To Unlock Your Inner Strength, Awaken Your Purpose, And Become Wholeheartedly And Unapologetically Focused On YOU…

Without worrying about what others say when you do!

You’ve heard it many times:

“You need to put YOU first…”

And you nod, and agree, and say you will… but nothing really changes, right?

You’re still as worn-out as ever, and you’re still feeling unfulfilled and unhappy no matter how much you’re giving to others.

Except this time, it’s different…

Today you KNOW it’s a must.  Today you KNOW things have to change. 
Today you KNOW it’s now or never!

“Should oxygen be needed; a mask will drop down from the compartment located above your seats.  If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, be sure to secure your own mask first before assisting others.”

Flying: it’s about the only time you’re reminded that you’ve got to look after you FIRST.  But it’s counter intuitive isn’t it? Especially if you’re a parent or traveling with someone you love. Of course, you’d help them first!

But, imagine if you did.  Imagine if you helped all those around you first and then when it came your turn.  It was too late.  You ran out of time…

Is it fair to your loved ones now?

It was a key moment in my self-development journey when I realised that looking after me FIRST was actually a KEY survival skill.  Not only for life.  But for happiness.  Purpose.  Fulfilment.

Before extending love, care, support, nurturing and happiness beyond yourself, you must first offer it TO yourself, AND give yourself permission to receive it!

But, isn’t that… selfish?

And it’s a fair question. Because as kids we’re taught to share, to be generous, to be thankful and to care for others.  We’re also taught that it’s bad to be overly connected with ourselves. 

If we care too much about our wellbeing, our desires, our hopes, our dreams, we’re called selfish.  You can hear the judgement and scorn simply reading the word – let alone remembering being chastised by a parent or teacher for being ‘bad’! Or worse – worrying that’s what others think you are –a ‘selfish’ parent, or partner, or colleague!

But, imagine if you did.  Imagine if you helped all those around you first and then when it came your turn.  It was too late.  You ran out of time…

Unfortunately, it gets in the way of seeing the POSITIVE potential of being more selfish.  Or, as I like to call it:

Becoming Functionally Self-ISH

It’s the self-caring, self-aware, self-confident meaning of being in tune and happy within yourself FIRST, so then you can give to others from an overflowing cup of abundance, purpose and fulfilment.

  • Not sacrificing your own needs and energy to make others happy.


  • Not running on empty wondering where the next ‘hit’ of love is going to come from!
Not worrying about what others are thinking and saying about you when you start to do things differently!

“Deciding that becoming functionally self-ISH by putting your needs first, is truly the most unselfish thing you can do! Especially if you want to show up as your most powerful, purposeful, productive self!”

– Fiona Jeanne

Because here’s a secret:

Becoming Functionally Self-ISH is not only a good thing, it’s the KEY to bringing harmony to the world around you.


Well, who else benefits when you’re taking care of you?

When you feel good about your body, when you’re exercising, eating well, taking care of yourself, doing personal growth work, pursuing your purpose…

Who also benefits?

I can guarantee it isn’t just you! It’s your family, your friends, your co-workers, your kids, your students, your patients, your clients, it’s everyone!

When you feel good – it flows effortlessly on to others! You’re more patient, more loving, and easier to be around.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Life is full of challenges, full of ups and downs.  And even though it’s not always easy if you believe in yourself and know your purpose, if you learn to look within YOU for the necessary strength, wisdom, courage, and confidence, I know you will always find the inner strength to keep going.  No matter what!

If you’re ready… to put your needs first

If you’re ready… to pursue something more meaningful to you

If you want… to stop pleasing others and sacrificing your happiness

If you want… to gain clarity, direction, and confidence in a new path for you.

If you want… to invest in you, so you can be the best you can be for all those who love you.

If you want… to stop worrying what others think of you, and start living your best life… guilt free…

You’re in the right place!

Here’s 3 ways I can help you start to unlock your inner strength, become more functionally self-ISH, feel happier and more purpose-FULL!

Start Here:

5 First Steps To Becoming Functionally Self-ISH

Together we’ll learn how to start putting YOU first!

Too often we get overwhelmed by all the ‘to do’s’ ‘shoulds’ and demands of our busy lives.

This challenge encourages you to shine the light on your reality… and become more functionally self-ISH. YES! It’s time to put your oxygen mask on FIRST!!!

  2. FOCUS
  4. RELAX

Sounds good right!?

Building Momentum To Becoming Functionally Self-ISH

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Be Your Own Best Friend - Do Whatever It Takes

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“Your vision will become clear only
when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.”

– Carl Jung

What Others Say

“I really would like to acknowledge Fiona today with all the work she did with me. For a long time I have suffered from emotional suppression and values conflict. Fiona took the time and served me over 2 amazing sessions where she did parts integrations, a lot of emotional release happened which really gave me the allowance for more self love and self trust. Then again today she did a 3 hours values elicitation and that I could call a breakthrough in every possible way. Fiona I can’t thank you enough for being there for me and helping me and serving me with a high professional attitude. You are amazingly awesome ❤️❤️❤️


“Fiona is a fabulous coach. I have found her to be very professional, supportive and open. I have worked with Fiona on a number of areas. Fiona has held the space and guide me through the transformation process of change. I also worked with Fiona on my values elicitation and was very happy with the time and care that she took to facilitate this process. Fiona has a wealth of knowledge that she brings to every sessions and the extra value that she provides is first class. I would highly recommend Fiona Jeanne services to anyone who is wanting to create change in their life.”


“I did the DISC profile unpack with Fiona and I was surprised how spot on it is in every detail! My favourite part was when Fiona explained bit by bit my internal issues and all her advice are spot on and absolutely phenomenal! She was able to let me know the little points of my life that i unconsciously neglect as life happens. I feel so much better now that i know i can do it and i can be happy from within and functional at the same time. Thanks very much Fi! You really are an intelligent woman with such a big heart!”

Joan Mari

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